Saturday, August 31, 2019

Samson in the Bible

Samson’s life was filled with adventure as God blessed him and gave him strength to become one of the judges of Israel. Yet, he squandered all of his potentials and abdicated his responsibilities as a judge of Israel because he became proud of his strength and disobeyed God. Samson’s parents came from the tribe of Dan in Israel. Although his mother was sterile, she conceived Samson as a result of direct intervention from God. Even at a young age, the spirit of God was already evident in the life of Samson. This happened at a time when the Israelites were not following the statutes and the decrees of God. Samson was to become one of the leaders of the people and deliver them from oppression of foreigners. God gave Samson immense strength. While he was on the road one day, he encountered a lion, which he killed with his bare hands. Such was his strength that his potentials were definitely from God. Yet, Samson had one fatal flaw – his weakness for women. Because of women, he disobeyed the will of his parents and eventually was led away from his calling as a judge of Israel. The first occasion when he displayed this weakness was when he saw a Philistine woman and became obsessed with her. He engaged into a riddle with a hefty sum of properties as prize with the men of Ashkelon. The men, however, coaxed his wife to reveal the answer to them. Because Samson was so angry, he killed a lot of the men in that place. When he also learned that his wife was given to another man, he wrought havoc against the fields of the Philistines. As a result, the Philistines came against him. As a result, he set a trap for them. He allowed himself to be bound. But later on, he managed to get away from the rope and kill the men who went against him. His victory against the Philistines was brought about by God. Samson even saw a source of water when he was already very thirsty. After the incident with the Philistines, he became enamored with a prostitute and the men of the town decided to trap him in that place. Yet, his great strength aided him against their trap and managed to get away from them. The turning point in Samson’s life was his love affair with Delilah. Little did he know that Delilah was being used by his enemies all over again. He did not learn from his previous experiences and instead allowed his emotions and passions to cloud his wits. Not even once did he suspect Delilah to be the spy of his enemies. So great was his obsession for Delilah that he revealed the secret of his strength with her after several prodding. The end result was his imprisonment and being cut off from his family and his country. During his imprisonment, Samson called out to God during his distress and asked Him to bless him with strength although his hair was no longer long. God granted his request and for a final time, Samson brought havoc and destruction to the enemies of his people. Samson knew his calling as a judge. As a man, he was always aggressive and on the lookout for the next beauty to pursue. Perhaps, the reason why he behaved the way he did is that he was looking for adventure and he thought he will find it in the arms of the women that he loved. Perhaps he fell easily in love and after that, he became blinded to that love. A lot of people are just like Samson. They have great potentials and strength. They know that they are called to do good for God and their people. Yet, they choose to go their own way, choose their own paths that eventually lead to destruction. When people start doing as Samson did, they become blinded to whatever it is that they fall in love with—money, fame, power, other people—and forget about their mission in life. The end result is disaster and ensnarement with the effects and consequences of such choices. Some author may have considered Samson as a sociopath with anti-social personality disorder. This may seem to account for his aggressive behavior, his deceit, impulsiveness and even violence. Although this analysis may seem scientific and related to psychology, but Samson’s personality and impulses is similar to what most individuals encounter. Samson was aware of God’s calling in his life and he even calls out to God when he is deeply in need. Yet, like most men, he has lust for women and he is doing what he can to impress them and win them over. Likewise, he tends to be boastful and arrogant of the strength that he has, a trait which a lot of men display. Another possible reason why he engaged in his acts was loneliness. Calling that â€Å"antisocial† might seem more scientific. Yet, men who experience loneliness may try prostitution and other act just to get over with it. The bottom line is that Samson is an individual who was given immense strength and the potential to lead his people and overthrow the oppressors of his nation. Yet, because of his obsession with women, his lust, his aggressiveness and impulsiveness, he did not fulfill the role prepared for him. Individuals all over the world display just the same kind of attitudes and recklessness. The end result of such attitude and actions is an array of consequences and difficult circumstances. From Samson, individuals may learn that pursuing one’s passions and obsessions lead to harm.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Freedom Writers Analysis Essay

Freedom Writers is a drama movie based on the book â€Å"The Freedom Writers Diary† written by The Freedom Writers with Erin Gruwell. The movie was first released on January 5th 2007 in the USA, and on May 18th 2007 in Norway. The director of the movie is Richard LaGravenese and the screenwriters are the Freedom Writers, Erin Gruwell and Richard LaGravenese. The Music is made by Mark Isham,, Talib Kweli and other various artists. The main actors are Hilary Swank as Erin Gruwell, Patrick Dempsey as Scott Casey, Imelda Staunton as Margaret Campbell, April L. Hernandez as Eva Benitez, Mario as Andre Bryant, Jason Finn as Marcus and Jaclyn Ngan as Sindy. The Freedom Writers is about the young, novice teacher Erin Gruwell and the students in classroom 203 at Woodrow Wilson High School, Long Beach, California. The story takes place from year 1992 to 1995 and it is a true story. Ms Gruwell was very excited for her first day. She had big plans for how she was going to get the students to line up outside the classroom door, instead of not showing up to class or quit before the first semester was finished. This was how the schools’ reputation had turned out to be after the integration program was suggested at Woodrow Wilson. To teach the street kids, was a lot easier said than done. To get the students’ attention, Ms Gruwell had to call them Nazis and count how many of them who had lost friends to gang violence. The students comes from many different societies. In room 203 there are blacks, whites, Latinos and Cambodians. For many of these kids, death, violence, gangs, and fighting for territories, are daily events. They come from broken families and have had a very difficult and challenging childhood. They are happy if they make it to the end of the day. One of the students, Eva, said to Ms Gruwell during class; â€Å"what are you doing in here that makes a god damn difference to my life?† This wakes Ms Gruwell up, and she starts to use unusual methods like playing games, bring the students on trips, and make them write diaries to try to teach, and to help them with their lives and their chance to graduate high school and go to college. The title of the movie and the book are based on these diaries. There are many strong characters in this movie. It is not easy to decide who the main characters are, because we feel like we get to know every one of them, and each character have its own story. Ms Gruwell seemed like an inexperienced, rich man’s daughter, but through the things she did, she showed us some admirable sides of herself. Eva Benitez is a Latino/Spanish- American girl. She has a very strong personality and fights hard for what she thinks is right. But under the unyielding mask, we can sense a hint of uncertainty. Marcus is a black boy, and one of the persons we get to know most about. He seems like a very nice boy, but he also has his dark secrets. Marcus changes his personality and his way of living a lot because he wants to move back home to his mother. Sindy is a Cambodian girl. She was involved in the main conflicts in the movie. She has been in a refugee camp, and after the war in Cambodia her father is not the same anymore. Her character shows no fear and an admirable willpower. There are many positive things to say about the movie. Many of the actors did an excellent job by playing the characters and getting their personality come through. April L. Hernandez is one of them. She did an excellent job playing Eva Benitez. She had very many different emotions like anger, sadness, frustration and relief. I also liked the music they chose. It was not typical film music. It was up to date hip hop and pop music, which could have been exactly the kind of music the students would have listened to. You feel like you are getting very close to them, and that you get to know them. Although it was a very good movie, there are some negative things as well. The movie was quite predictable. After Ms. Gruwell had caught the student’s attention, you could imagine how the movie was going to end. At some points the movie was pretty boring. This movie shows that it is possible for a teacher to inspire a class and to make a difference in someone’s life. There has been made many movies like this before, for example Half Nelson and Music of the Heart. This movie is different from the others because it is based on a true story. Nevertheless, it was a touching and inspiring movie with many funny moments. I would give this movie 4 stars. It is not one of my favorites, but definitely worth to see.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Assignment Lab Worksheet Heart Jessica Velez

Heart, Pulmonary and Coronary Circulations Student Name: Jessica Bevel Directions: Go to Real Anatomy and select Cardiovascular. Use the dissection man to f mind the appropriate images to use as references. You can use your mouse to roll over the images and click on the highlighted structures. You can use the Related Images section to find additional images. If you need help navigating Real Anatomy, click on Take a Tour or click the question mark for the Help menu. 1 . Identify the highlighted membrane layer. Pericardium 2.Identify the highlighted membrane layer. Parietal pericardium 3. Identify the highlighted membrane layer. Visceral pericardium 4. Identify the cavity in which the highlighted organ is located. Thoracic cavity 5. Identify the depicted tissue below. Myocardium 6. Identify the layer that is composed of the depicted tissue. Striated cardiac muscle 7. Identify the layer that lines the depicted structure. Undecorated 8. Identify the highlighted chamber. Right Auricle 9. Identify the three vessels that carry blood to the highlighted chamber. Superior even cave, inferior even cave, coronary sinus 0.Identify the highlighted valve. Tricuspids Valve 11. Identify the highlighted chamber. Right Ventricle 12. Identify the highlighted vessel below. Pulmonary trunk 13. Identify the highlighted valve. Pulmonary valve 14. Identify the highlighted organ. Left lung 15. Identify the highlighted vessels. Pulmonary vein 16. Identify the highlighted chamber. Left auricle 17. Identify the highlighted valve. Material valve 18. Identify the highlighted chamber. Left ventricle 19. Identify the highlighted vessel. Aorta 20. Identify the highlighted valve.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The development of the welfare state with emphasis on the national Essay

The development of the welfare state with emphasis on the national health service - Essay Example It is therefore important to note that the government generally ensures its citizens are protected and leads a good life. It is also important to note that the development of the welfare state was very important since it did not only provide relief to the people who were suffering from different illness in terms of provision of cheaper healthcare but also improved the living standards in general. However, before the development of the welfare state, conditions of living was very poor especially healthcare and the life expectancy was very low. Life in the Victorian era During the Victorian time, the young were very much at risk. It is important to note that during this time the young especially the infants and children below the age of 14 recorded the highest deaths. Children suffered from a variety of infectious diseases which included; diarrhea, small pox, measles, whooping cough as well as croup which was very difficult to treat (Heath and White, 2000 p.18). It is also important to note that the government didn’t take a major role in the provision of healthcare. Among the diseases listed above, measles emerged as one of the most dangerous diseases to the children claiming up to fifty percent of the total deaths caused by the diseases. It was also evident that the fatality rate decreases with the increasing age and hence it was easy for an adult to survive than for a young individual. In this context, the survival rate was low and hence mothers gave birth to many children as an attempt to ensure that when others die, others finally remain and hence they increase their chances of having at least some children. This condition was very bad in the rural areas with fever being the worst disease that affected children. They believed that fever was not treatable and if a child suffering from fever survived, it is only by chance but chances were limited (Heath and White, 2000 p.18). Even though there was subsequent increase in immunity with the increasing age, other factors that were detrimental to health came into play. It was evident that the people at the work place were not taken care of well especially with regard to occupational safety (Heath and White, 2000 p.20). It is therefore important to note that the older individuals were not spared either because of the susceptibility to other diseases and infections from the environment which was not well protected. People were subjected to dusts during work since there was no legislation to guide and protect the people against these factors. Accidents were increasing from the improper use of machines and exposure to dangerous chemicals and other unsafe gases and equipment. All these increased the susceptibility of the older people to diseases and other infections and hence death was also high among the adults. However, it is important to note tat it was not comparable to the children. During the period commencing the year 1838, the condition began to improve due to the improved healthcare and hence the death rate reduced at a great deal (Heath and White, 2000 p.25). There was also improved diet and sanitation and hence the living standards were taken to a new level. Better medical care resulted into the reduction in the death rates for people over the ages of fourteen and the level of occupational risks were also reducing as well. However, it is important to note that even after the improvements were affected, the poor were not benefiting and hence the level of deaths were not

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Validity, Reliability, and Accuracy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Validity, Reliability, and Accuracy - Term Paper Example Validity, Reliability and Accuracy Our essay is, otherwise, based on: management, its five functions and its essence in various institutions. Management is an element that forms the core of many organizations or institutions. It is not restricted to large companies but also to small entrepreneurs and non- profit institutions. It possesses a large history of growth and improvement. Due to the modification and ever altering conceptualization of management, it has been perceived more largely. It, thus, is defined largely as comprising of five elements. Management can either be a science or an art of fulfilling common goals of a group through efficiency and effectiveness of utility of resources. The five elements are; planning, organizing, controlling, staffing and directing. In a case of absence of one of the pillars, management can become cumbersome and lead to eventual failure of an organization. This type of management usually involves strategic elements.Management shares vital elements of a group of people and resour ce utility. It is essential to note that management possesses different levels in such a way that other managers report to senior managers. Before discussing these five branches of management, it is important to look at few other elements of management or managers. This helps one conceptualize and understand the scope of management. To begin with, the roles of a manager cover three ideals. These roles provide the foundation for the five tasks of management. A manager is supposed to handle roles that concern the relationship and links of employees. In addition, a manager is supposed to carry out the roles of ensuring correct and timely information to the organization. Lastly, a manager should ensure rational and timely decision construction in the organization. Apart form those skills, management necessitates political skills in harnessing power and control. In addition, it requires conceptualization skills in understanding complicated situations. Moreover, it requires good personal relation skills and diagnostic skills in achieving the right response to difficult scenarios. The first pillar of management is planning. The art of planning, as applied to business environments, shares in its literal concept. It is the act of creating a plan and devising ways of accomplishing its components. It also shares in forecasting which the act of envisaging the future and creating a strategy to achieve certain tasks as per the prediction (Tibergien and Pommering 13). Planning involves formation of objectives and their particular strategies. A good plan should, however, be flexible to assist accompany contemporary situations. A good plan should also evaluate existing resources available to a given organization and realize whether those resources can pedal the objectives (Marquis and Houston 35). A good plan has, therefore, to be realistic. Closely related to this, a plan should focus on a realistic frame of time. The second element of management is organizing. Primarily, org anizing, as applicable to organization, suggests activities of arranging various elements into a proper order. As applied to organizations, it covers minor functions of; delegation of work and specialization, goal focus, divisions and differentiation (Marquis and Houston 35). Division of work is the task of giving organization’s duty to the in an entity or to a given individual. When a given task is assigned to a single professional or an individual, then this aspect is referred to as specialization. Organization also encompasses

Monday, August 26, 2019

Security and Domestics Anti-Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Security and Domestics Anti-Terrorism - Essay Example However, there are those who have since claimed that the Federal government also surveys and taps into every citizen’s calls, financial records and so on in order to keep up with terrorist trends. This has caused widespread uproar and condemnation from the public. It is held that terrorist related surveillance must not be used as an excuse to violate the privacy of persons both in the United States and in the rest of the world. In my opinion, from the readings, the FBI, composed of several branches, offices and departments (sections) such as Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF), National Joint Terrorism Task Force, Public Internet Tip Line, Strategic Command Center (SIOC), Terrorism Fly Team, Terrorist Explosives Device Analytical Center, Terrorist Financing Operations Section, Directorate of Intelligence (ensures the FBI produces the intelligence necessary to protect the nation), Counter-Intelligence and Spy Departments and so on, is adequately organized and staffed to perform its mission tasks. The training regime is also arguably the highest of standards with different training for different personnel depending on what capacity they will be serving in the FBI. Some of the trainings include international terrorism training, domestic terrorism training, weapons of mass destruction training, legal training, and Muslim-Arab culture training (DAngelo, 2007). In addition, the FBI works in conjunction with a number of other security agencies such as the Department of Homeland (adding to personnel therefore). For combat operations on terrorists, there is at least one special combat unit for each of the 59 FBI departments. This is the SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics Team) who are trained to shoot from snipers and other heavy artillery weapons and also taught how to fight and survive in harsh (hostile) environments (DAngelo, 2007). Currently, certain provisions of the

Electronic Communication Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Electronic Communication Technology - Essay Example However, because of the additional tubes it used, the receiver did not become common until the 1930’s when the levels of performance it provided became an essential requirement and the technology involved became cheaper too. The super-heterodyne receiver operates on the principle of heterodyning or frequency mixing in a non-linear fashion. Two different signals are mixed using an RF mixer, to produce an output that is the product of the instantaneous levels of the signals at both the inputs. The resulting output will contain signals at a frequency that is different from the two original signals. If f1 and f2 are the two original signals, the resulting new frequencies are expressed as the sum (f1 + f2) and difference (f1 – f2) of the two. If two signals, one at a frequency of 7.0 MHz and the other at a frequency of 8.0 MHz are heterodyned together, two new frequencies of 15 MHz and 1.0 MHz are produced. A suitable antenna is required to receive the radio signals, and they are often built into the receiver itself. The frequencies enter the circuitry from the antenna and then pass through the different stages of the receiver. The RF amplifier is the first stage of the super-het receiver, and it is used to amplify the signals prior to mixing. The level of amplification has to be carefully chosen. The amplifier must enable the signals to be sufficiently amplified with a good signal to noise ratio and must not overload the mixer. The amplified and tuned signals are then fed into a mixer circuit. A local oscillator is connected to the other port of the mixer. This local oscillator consists of a variable frequency oscillator that produces sine waves. The mixer combines the local oscillator signal with the original RF signal, and produces two new frequencies. The local oscillator may also be a frequency synthesiser. The mixer stage is used to enhance the received frequency to an intermediate stage. The signals leaving the mixer enter the IF stage.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Discovery English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Discovery English - Essay Example However, these journal previews had much of the information that I needed to analyze them. To analyze and evaluate a journal we need to consider its output, content, perception and usage, citation and management (Haustein v). The two journals I analyze in this Paper are the American Education History Journal, Volume 31, and the Journal of Research in Character Education, Volume 6. The American Education History Journal, volume 31, was first published in 2004. One of its outspoken positive qualities is that it has several topics which can be viewed in its preview at no cost through the internet. Another positive quality is that it covers a wide range of topic related to elementary education most of which contain comprehensive information about research undertaken in this field (Watras 1). Moreover, its research surveys are not biased to any country thus making it a worldwide journal. However, the journal also has some negative qualities. One of its negative qualities is the inaccessib ility of the full view of the journal only that makes the information available from this journal to be limited. Our other journal, the Journal of Research in Character Education, Volume 6, was published in 2008. It has several positive qualities, one of them being having the most recent information on current research on elementary education. ... However, it has a preview which can be viewed through the internet at no cost since it contain much of the information which an elementary profession can require. It was published for many years ago in 2004 and its information is as important as those in the latest journals are and hence it has a good durability. The journal had a lot of prestige in the field of elementary education when it was first published because of the quality of its content. However, it has lost some of its prestige due to the emergence of current journals in this field that relies mostly on current research. The institution of origin of this journal is the University of North Carolina. This is where the journal was first edited and published. University of North Carolina is the place where it is currently published although currently it can be purchased from several books distributers. Journal of Research in Character Education is costly to purchase since it is among the most current journals. Like our previo us journal, this one too has large longevity since it is currently as much useful as when it was published in 2008. It is also very much prestigious because it carries information from highly rated scholars and it contains information from most current research. One of such research is research on the effect of school-based program in enhancing pre-social development of Children (Milson and Berkowitz 1). The institution origin of this journal also is the University of North Carolina. This is where it was edited and published. From my interviews, I found out that many scholars in the current society are still using these two journals. Two people I interviewed told me that they have used either a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Construction Engineering Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Construction Engineering - Assignment Example When the constructed facility is offered proper management and maintenance, the facility may last 100 years or more; the facility is also capable of serving different functions within the specified time. The actual lifetime of a property is dependent on a number of factors, including the quality of design, the durability of the materials used for the construction, the quality of the facility and the technology used (Edwards, Bartlett and Dickie 2-7). Other factors determining the lifetime of the facility include the local climate and the location, extent of use and the damage caused by human errors and natural disasters. The components of a project’s life cycle include the initiation phase, which entails the determination of the timing and the scope of the given project. The second component is the planning phase, where the detailed planning of the project takes place, and the actions aimed at the completion of the plan are started. The third is the execution phase, where the action items are implemented, and physical deliverables are delivered. The fourth component is the close-out phase, which covers the wrap-up of the project. It entails summarizing the lessons and the successes of the project to the different stakeholders (Edwards, Bartlett & Dickie 2-7). Qn. 2. The problems facing the Canadian construction industry include global climate change. With the increasing focus on the energy consumed, and the carbon dioxide released by different building models. For this reason, industry players are obligated to work hard, towards the renovation or the replacement of the buildings that don’t offer a minimal environmental effect. For instance, achieving carbon neutrality, while at the same time ending up with a considerable return on investment has forced industry experts to promote the reduction of fossil-fuel consumption (Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure). For these different reasons, industry leaders are forced to renovate existing facilities an d to develop new building models. The second challenge is the aging infrastructure, where buildings and other infrastructure like roads need to be changed, redeveloped or renovated, depending on their economic and environmental impact. For example, in some economies, statistics show that traffic congestion costs the economy, more than $67.5 billion a year, through fuel wastage and lost productivity. Further, construction industry leaders faced the challenge of replacing substandard bridges and roads, which are mentioned as factors contributing to highway accidents (Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure). There is the challenge of a shrinking workforce, noting that Canadian statistics show that, as of 2016, there will not be enough people to replace the retiring workforce. This is a challenge, because the reduction in the workforce will reduce the capacity of the industry to deliver the developments, and the changes desired. There is the challenge of a declining productivity of construc tion firms. This is mainly caused by the competitiveness required from industry players, which is forcing some to exit the industry. As compared with the productivity of the non-farm productive areas over the years, which has grown by about 200 percent, the

Friday, August 23, 2019

All About Controlled Drugs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

All About Controlled Drugs - Assignment Example 4. Intra-spinal: provides direct access to the spinal cord for the administration of specific drugs such as anesthetics. Requires trained staff and damage to the cord or hemorrhage are the disadvantages. (Howland, 2006) 6. Inhalational: main advantage is its use in the administration of anesthetic drugs as well as drugs for respiratory diseases since it provides easy access to lungs. Also, quick action because of extensive blood supply of lungs is another advantage. The short duration of action due to less partial pressure and exhalation of the inspired drug is a major disadvantage. Another disadvantage is a short list drug that can be administered by this route. (Howland, 2006) The major drug interactions and actions in the body include: Durg-Drug interaction i.e. addition of another drug might enhance or lower the activity of the drug. First Pass metabolism i.e. Drugs have taken through oral route undergo a process of activation and metabolism. This decreases their decreases their bioavailability and provides the bloodstream with the active metabolite of the drug. Drug-Enzyme interaction i.e. several enzymes in the body act on drugs to release their active metabolites. Drug-Receptor Interaction i.e. Final action of the drugs takes place when they bind to their specific receptors and cause either activation or deactivation of the receptor to produce the desired effect. (Katzung, 2009) Antidepressants: these drugs include Diazepam, Verapamil and Lorazepam etc. the generic names are Xanax etc. These drugs more commonly known as sleeping pills inhibit Gaba receptor and lower the levels of stress. Opioids: These drugs have a specific action of painkillers. They act on their specific opioid receptors in the body namely alpha, beta, and mu. They bind to these receptors and inhibit the transmission of pain sensation or alteration of brain’s perception of pain. (Howland, 2006)

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Interest groups Essay Example for Free

Interest groups Essay Interest groups are particular groups of individuals, which lobby for a specific interest in advancing their own field or discipline. In essence, these groups can be categorized as advocacy groups because they are created with a particular goal. They are advocating only for the betterment of their interest, and sometimes coordinate and form linkages with other institutions to further advance their advocacy. In other jargons, these groups are called pressure groups because of their attempt to influence or manipulate public policy for their own favor. They do it through lobbying in the congress, and sometimes even to the extent of creating party lists who go into the parliament. Each and every one of the pressure groups shares an ambition to impinge on government policy to do well to themselves or their foundations. It possibly will be a policy that absolutely benefits faction members or one sector of society or a policy that progress a broader communal reason. Interest groups are an ordinary consequence of the communities of welfare. The sector that is advanced by interest groups can be farmers for land tenure or industrialization. On the other hand, the wider society can be advanced by interest through the need of better air quality. Furthermore, the theory on political systems includes the essential role public interest groups do in influencing polity and the economy. In addition, public interest groups influence even the heads of the states. In the changes on 20th century politics, the presidency is affected by interest groups in the manner that if the president does not support a certain advocacy, he will be threatened not to get any support. In the recently concluded Philippine elections, the interest groups advancing the Reproductive Health Bill greatly dictate the choice of the people. The candidates for the presidency have been widely scrutinized based on their views about reproductive health. In the end, the candidate who impressed the sector advocating the Reproductive Health Bill, including the church, emerged victorious. Other than the propaganda work performed by interest groups, they also play an important role in political elections because of their influence on the civil society. The public opinion expressed by public interest groups dictate the characteristics of the political candidates and those who conform accordingly get the most support from these groups, which is, in fact, one of the glorious features of plurality and democracy. If the choices made turned out wrong, there is always the opportunity to rectify it by voting again in the next election and listening to other advocacies by public interest groups. In terms of the economy, economic interest groups are omnipresent and the most well-known in every country. There are accurately several of them with bureaus in state capitals from Manila to Lima to Bandar Seri Begawan to the United States of America. There are more than a few diverse types of economic interests: â€Å"business groups like the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, the Confederation of British Industry, and the Nestle Corporation (Brittanica Encyclopedia, 2010). † Interest groups cannot do away with the society. Whatever their advocacies are, even how politicized it may seem, the masses is the primary stakeholder. They are under the cycle controlled by the political economic sphere. The dynamism of politics includes public interest groups in it. REFERENCES Contreras, A. P. (2002). Locating the political in the ecological: Globalization, state-civil society articulations, and environmental governance in the Philippines. Quezon City: De La Salle University Printing Press. interest group. Encyclop? dia Britannica. 2010. Encyclop? dia Britannica Online. 19 May. 2010 http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/290136/interest-group. Marsh, D. Stoker, G. (1999). Theory and methods in political science. College of Forestry and Natural Resources: Department of Social Forestry and Forest Governance reading room. Pulhin, J. M. Peras, R. J. J. (2009). [SFFG 125: Part 2. Lecture]. University of the Philippines Los Banos. Todaro, M. P. (1989). Economic development in the third world. (4th ed. ). New York: Pitman publishing Inc.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Cause of WWI Essay Example for Free

The Cause of WWI Essay WWI started in 1914 and ended in 1918. WWI was known as the Great war before WW2 happened as it was supposed to be the war to end all wars. Also the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand has been blamed as the catalyst for WWI (Spielvogel Book). The major players in WWI were the Triple Entente- Britain, France, Russia and the Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy. The reason for the assassination was because of Nationalism, Militarism and the Alliance that played the biggest part. Learning about WWI helps us understand todays conflicts because for example the geographic lines that were drawn after WWI in the middle east is a huge driver of modern conflicts with the fall of the Ottoman empire and Persia, plus there is a lot of more facts that would help us understand more. Nationalism is a force that can be positive, together a nations people, or negative, from national pride resulting in negative conflicts (Norman 571). Sadly in this case, nationalism was a negative act that played a part in ass the assassination. National tensions had risen so high that even the slightest wrong doing of a nations rights by another might be considered a cause for war. Serbians wanted to expand the size of their country to include places outside Serbia that had ethnic Serbian populations living in them, what they want is a bigger country they will call Greater Serbia this will include places like Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro, and would mean taking chunks out of other neighboring countries like Romania. They want all the Serbian people to live together in one country, but they dont want these people to move to the current Serbia they want Serbia to take over the countries that these people live in. Now the way nationalism played a role in the assassination is because if the Serb terrorists had not killed Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, Austria would have never declared war on Serbia. The reason why the Serb terrorists killed Franz Ferdinand was because they did not like an Austrian ruler ruling a Serb country thus making an act of nationalism. So that gives you a better understanding of why nationalism played a huge role in the assassination. One other major factor that played a major role in the assassination was Militarism. Militarism is the belief in having a strong army force and navy (Joll 575). This belief led to an arms race in Europe, which was when the countries were making more deadlier weapons than their rival nations. 65 million men were mobilized during WW1, and 8. 5 million were killed, 21 million were wounded, and 7. 7 million were POWs. So just over 1 in 7 soldiers were killed a further 1 in 3 were wounded and 1 in 9 were captured. So over half of all soldiers that took part were killed, wounded or captured. Britain was an island nation and thus wanted to rule the waves. militarism leads to suspicion and thus it was one of the causes. Also Eight to Ten million soldiers swallowed each other up and when they did they eat up all Europe more bare than any swarm (Engels 153). So now as you can see how militarism had a big affect on everyone in the assassination. The last factor that took place in the cause of the assassination was the alliance. The Alliance was probably the second biggest factor in the assassination because militarism was directly because of industrial revolution, and everyone had nationalism but alliances made it a world war (McCutcheon 566). Alliances drew everyone into a big fight when it should have been a internal issue. Europes major powers had been divided into the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy) and the Triple Entente (Britain, France, and Russia). The alliance system did cause WWI to the extent of the size of the war by bringing and pulling countries in to the war. The triple alliance promised each country to provide military support in the case of war. When the Triple Entente was created, it did not ask for reciprocal arrangements for support, though it did allow a large variety of arrangements and negotiations to occur. One negotiation was the support in war though. Alliances pulled countries into the war because if they werent followed, a consequence of retaliation would be expected. The alliance system was a major cause of the assassination because it had produced preventable tensions, but was incapable to resolve long-term issues, and created unrealistic expectations among the countries involved. Nationalism, Militarism and Alliance were the major causes in the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. Todays and WWI conflicts are similar in a way because back then there was a major revolution in military technology, but no change in tactics, and today we have adapted our tactics to our technology. Another way todays Conflicts and WWI have similarities is there was a lot of new Technology never seen before in world war 1 like tanks, machine guns and airplanes. Today there is new technology in the war against terrors. A difference between WWI and todays conflict is that back then we were fighting nations and alliances, today we are fighting for fanatic terrorists who take no regard towards any code of honor, Its all out kill. A nation will die when all the weapons are taken away (Zola 559). Learning about WWI does help us understand about todays conflicts in many ways.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Self Evaluation of Geography Education

Self Evaluation of Geography Education In Geography I learned a lot about other parts of the world and how they are different from the place that we live in now. One of the best things I learned in Geography was about Mexico, not only because my family is from there but also because I like to learned about where I came from. Some of the things I learned was that as a Mexican we like to protect our selfs from the outside world. Most Mexicans homes have a wall like structure around there home to keep bad people out, since Mexico is known to be very dangerous. Unlike Mexico the US homes like to show their house as a sign of success or to show off their richness to other people. Taking Geography also helped me a lot with my writing and annotating, since mostly all we do is read and write essays. It helped me understand stories a lot more since now I know to look up a word that I dont understand or to underline key words that can help me better understand the story later on. Annotating is not only helpful but It can also make work a lot easier once it comes to writing a paper, because writing an essay on an article that u cant even understand is never easy. I learned a lot about other countries and how their lives are different than ours. I learned about Mexico, Argentina, El Salvador, and China. One article that I also thought was really interesting was about Argentina. Its very fascinating to me how Argentina has some of the greatest and best resources in the world and yet they are still a failing country. The problem was that people were not getting payed enough and had low wages which then led to millions of people quitting their job which then caused businesses to fail since they had no one who can work for them. Self-Evaluations have helped me a lot also, not only to keep track but it also helped me understand things I didnt know too well. If I didnt understand something I would write it on the back of the self-evaluation where later on I can better understand what it meant. Also I feel like the Class discussions were very helpful, since sometimes I wouldnt understand some things that we were reading. Overall the self-evaluation was very helpful to keep on track and to make sure we have everything we need to get a good grade. I feel like World Geography has also helped people be more confident. I have seen people talking to each other who dont normally talk or Ive seen the shy people get a lot more confident and become part of our class discussions. I feel like the communication has gotten a lot better throughout the class. This class has also brought us a lot closer to each other since we usually need other peoples help to get through the class. Geography also helped me with understanding articles better since it showed me that I always need to go back and reread the article to get a better understanding of it and even to understand some words that may be confusing. Also something I learned is that many counties until this day prefer river transportation than car transportation just because you could save a lot of money on gas but also because it is a lot better for the environment and can be even faster since there are no stops. Many countries struggle with this problem because sometimes they dont have access to a river or ocean, or even sometimes the rivers are not deep enough for ships to travel through them. When a country has no access to river or ocean it is a lot more expensive for them to transport good and make any profit out of it, many countries fail because of this problem. In conclusion I feel like world geography had helped me a lot in many ways. It helped me understand articles better by annotating them but it has also taught me a lot about of countries and the problems that they are facing until this day. Also I feel like this class has brought together a lot of people and also made people a lot more confident with their work since people who didnt talk at the beginning of the year are now talking a lot more.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Tragedy of Xenotransplantation :: Transplants Medical Essays

The Tragedy of Xenotransplantation Background and challenges In 1954, surgeon Joseph Murray started a revolution in the Medical industry by performing the first human organ transplant, a kidney transplant between identical twins(1). Initially, allotransplantation received some hindrance due to the ability of the human immune system to reject any foreign object. With the introduction of cyclosporin, a powerful drug that minimizes the rejection of foreign tissue, allotransplantion possibilities have expanded spectacularly(3). It is no longer necessary to have an exact match of certain blood type markers for a successful human transplant. This means organs from unrelated people can be used. Recipients have a good chance today of living at least five years with an allograft. These days organ transplantation is a norm. Each year about 20,000 Americans receive life saving transplants of heart, kidneys , liver or lungs. Today, allotransplantation faces a significant challenge because the need for this procedure far exceeds the av ailability of donor organs. Each day, approximately 10 Americans breathe their last breath waiting for organs to become available. To meet this scarcity of human organs, doctors along with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are investigating an alternative to allotransplantation, xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation, (xeno) is a greek word meaning â€Å"stranger†, involves transplanting or grafting of animal organs, tissues, or cells to replace failing organs or to treat disease in humans. These transplanted or grafted organ, tissue, or cell is called a xenotransplant or xenograft. As documented in Table 1, the concept of xenotransplantation dates as back as 1682, but it was not until the 1960's that the technological world stimulated this idea for whole organ transplant. In 1963, Keith Reemtsma transplanted chimpanzee kidneys into thirteen patients. Also, in 1964 Hardy and colleagues from the University of Mississippi used a chimpanzee’s heart as a xenograft. The patients did not survive for long but the transplanted organs showed no sign of rejection. This success inspired more research and development in xenotransplantation, which resulted in the use of this process for therapeutic effects, such as bone marrow transplant in AIDS patients. Although, both whole organ and bone marrow transplants received limited success, the use of pig's heart valves to repair human hearts and porcine pancreatic islet cells to treat diabetes raises the hopes of scientists that someday whole organ xenotransplantation will be possible.

A Philosophical Discussion in Contemporary Music: Janes Addiction and Bush :: Music Musical Jane Addiction Bush Essays

A Philosophical Discussion in Contemporary Music: Jane's Addiction and Bush The purpose of this paper is to examine philosophical and theological themes in the work of two modern musical groups. The alternative rock bands Jane’s Addiction and Bush will be the focus of this study. I have chosen these two artists since I have observed what I believe to be contrasting ideas in their work. Perry Farrell was the songwriter for Jane’s Addiction. His band’s release in 1988, titled Nothing’s Shocking contains views on God, man’s place in the world, and instruction on living a life that adheres to Zen philosophical views. Songs on the album include â€Å"Ocean Size," a memoir about how life should be lived; â€Å"Had A Dad," Perry Farrell’s beliefs about God; and â€Å"Ted, Just Admit It...", that will be discussed in more detail below. Bush’s lyrics, written by Gavin Rossdale on the album Sixteen Stone, argue directly with the ideas contained on Nothing’s Shocking. I believe that his song â€Å"Everything Z en† is a response to Perry Farrell’s beliefs. I will first attempt to fit the ideas of Perry Farrell into a philosophical Zen framework. A good starting point is the song â€Å"Ocean Size† that points to the Zen theme of a oneness with nature. The speaker in the song seeks to get beyond his thinking self, and become like the ocean. The almost interminable suffering of human existence is described by Farrell as, â€Å"Like a tooth aching a jawbone† (2:6). He writes of his own human weaknesses, â€Å"I was made with a heart of stone/ to be broken/ with one hard blow." (2:7-9). His frailty contrasts with the strength of nature, â€Å"We’ve seen the ocean/ brake on the shore/ come together with no harm done" (2:10-12). The song’s verse states, â€Å"It ain’t easy living.../ I want to be/ as deep/ as the ocean/ mother ocean" (2:13-17). He calls upon the common theme that words fail to convey the true meanings in Zen with, â€Å"I want to be like the ocean/ no talking/ all action" (2:21-23). In t he words of Lao-tzu â€Å"Those who know do not speak; Those who speak do not know† (Watts xii-xiii). Only through an escape from his thinking, talking self can the author can stop experiencing the suffering of being human. Zen themes may be familiar to a student of religion, since they arise from Buddhism. The Buddha, Sidhartha Gautama, is said to have achieved his four noble truths about the nature of existence through meditation.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Family Values: Importance Essay -- personal values, research papers

Family Values: Importance   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  America's family values are very important to our citizens. For many years the American family and its values have been one of the top priorities of our nation. The family is even an essential part of the â€Å"American Dream† that we Americans are so fond of. The basic idea of success in America is measured by how well one can provide for their family. But what does citezenship have to do with family values? It determines these values and set a standard for the whole of America's people. Family values are of the utmost importance to the American citizen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Family values are basically the core of our way of living. They have been important since, and even before, the very beginning of our civilization, and certainly since the founding of the United States of America. Theories suggest that even the primitive caveman was very loyal and respectful to his particular family unit. People of our time have followed these beginnings of the ideas of family values and citizenship up until the present day. Today however people are more diversified and separated in their ways but they all share similar values of the family. A nation, being of mostly socially compatible people, functions in a similar way as a family. The nation selects its â€Å"national family values† by legislation which becomes law. Civilization, over time, has brought about values which have become essential to all.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  &nb...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Research on Music Piracy

Research on music piracy A Proposal Submitted to Ms. Rupal Khambhati Faculty (S. R. Luthra Institute Of Management) BY Farhan 14 Divyesh 23 Huzefa 15 Pratik 31 Bhaumik 58 Hardik 05 November 13, 2011 Executive Summary: In today’s technological era, the music industry is in a crisis. Music is being downloaded illegally more than ever . Rising costs for music coupled with a lack of guilt for pirating music has caused music piracy rates to skyrocket. Be it classical, typical , rock and roll or pop. The research is also about that every student has the ability to access free music through music piracy because of the wide variety of sites offering it. The problem: The real problem in the music industry is the fact that music costs more than what people want to pay for it. The problem of piracy has arisen with the rapid advance of technology. There are various sites offering free music to people so why pay for the thing which you are already getting it free of cost. The lack of proper patent laws or more correctly, the enforcement of these laws allow the perpetrators of this crime to get away scott-free. Due to this rampant piracy, the government is deprived of tax revenues, jobs are lost and research and innovation never take place. The maximum amount of illegal downloading is done by youngsters in the age group of 20 -25 years. As long as this group does not take note of the losses suffered by the artists, music companies and the government due to this menace, no concrete step can be taken to counter the loss. Research objective: Our research objective is to collect information from students that why do they prefer downloading music illegally rather than purchasing it or what would induce them to obtain music legally. We believe that most students in questionnaire will say that they have downloaded music illegally and a significant amount of their music is pirated. The interesting part of our research will be the part about guilt and which alternative method they prefer. Another very interesting result will be the final question, which method of distributing music would cause people to be more likely to purchase music legally. .Literature review: One study conducted by Alejandro Zentner found that because of the easy accessibility to free illegal music, the likelihood for someone to legally purchase music decreases between 35-65% (Zentner 2005). Music piracy is relevant to students because it is found in that illegal music pirating is highest in College and High School Students. There is also an almost peer pressure to pirate music because it seems as if everyone else is doing it and there are virtually no consequences. (Ingram 2008) (Mallin 2009). Boorstin (2004) collected data from the Census in three different years from various cities and regresses the CD sales on each city on the number of people with internet access finding that people who are under 24 with internet access tend to decrease their CD consumption. Peitz and Waelbroeck (2004) build their data from 16countries and they try to figure the effects of digital downloading on physical music sales. In their findings they conclude that among the factors that influence sales is the GDP growth, Mp3 downloads and the availability of broadband. Levi, Dato-on and Rhee (2004) try to identify how consumer ethics are connected to music piracy by conducting both qualitative and quantitative research to a sample of college students. Their findings prove that people who download have little ethical concern and they also believe that their action will harm neither the record company nor the artist. Benefits Of Study: ? To increase public education and awareness regarding piracy. ? Finding various alternatives to curb piracy such as creation of separate music websites which will reduce the operating cost for distributing and can make very large profits by putting advertisements on the website. ? To get opinions and ideas from people as what steps they think should be taken to stop piracy and design a suitable system to curb piracy on the basis of that. The items that counterfeiters and pirates produce are often substandard, sometimes endangering the lives of those who purchase them. These illicit activities steal market share from legitimate businesses and undermine innovation, with negative implications for economic growth. ? This research is important because when finally proposing a solution, the approval of the populations that download music at the highest rates, which is college students, should be taken into serious consideration. Also since there is so little research as to the correlation between different demographics besides age done, my research can help to find if there is a correlation and if there is, it can be useful to target certain methods for eradicating piracy within a population. Research design: †¢ Data collection design: ? Type of study Informative study It helps us to find solutions to the problem through various suggestions and answers obtained through questionnaire ? Data type Primary data The data which we are going to obtain is fresh as various students will share their suggestions and answers through questionnaire prepared by us. ? Data collection tool Questionnaire †¢ Sampling design: ? Sampling frame As the survey is related to music piracy, so mainly students from college background are surveyed ? Sample size In sample size we would like to take 50 students Bibliography: Frost, R. L. (2007). Rearchitecting the music business: Mitigating music piracy by cutting out the record companies. First Monday, 12(8). Retrieved from http://firstmonday. org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index. php/fm/article/view/1†¦ Ingram, J. R. & Hinduja, S. (2008). Neutralizing Music Piracy: An Empirical Examination. DevianBehavior,29(4), Kusek, D. , & Leonhard, G. (2005). The future of music: Manifesto for the digital music revolution. Boston: Berklee Press. Malin, J. , & Fowers, B. J. (2009). Adolescent self-control and music and movie piracy. Computers in Human Behavior, 718-722. Retrieved from http://www. sciencedirect. com/science? _ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VDC-4VHXDV8-1†¦

Friday, August 16, 2019

Describe how the British government used propaganda to in fluency the British people in the First World War

Propaganda is information designed to get people to believe a certain point of view. It does not have to be lies. It can be the truth, though it is only one part of the truth. The British government started to use propaganda at the before the world war one. They used it to make the British people dislike the Germans and support the war. Propaganda was used in world war one to promote the war effort. The government used propaganda for many deferent reasons. The government used propaganda at many different times in the war for many different reasons and some of the propaganda was not needed by the end of the war like recruitment poster. Recruitment propaganda was used from the start of the war until conscription was introduced in 1916 .The British government made many recruitment posters to get people interested in signing up to fight in the war. The government used many different and my favourite one is a man sitting in an arm chair and has his daughter asking him â€Å"daddy what did you do in the Great War?† this was made to get a normal family to sing up for the war it had a very big impact on many family men it would make them feel a bit guilty to his family that he did not help to protect the country. The government made theses posters to get people to sigh up for the war because the British army was very small about 250,000 men compared to the French and German army what where conscription army's. We need help to beat the evil Germans so we put up posters asking people to join the army. Women were also the target from propaganda either. Propaganda was targeted at them to try and get them to take up work in the places left by the vast number of men what went to fight in the war. Or to try and make their husband, fight in the war. The news papers published Atrocity stories about atrocity stories what happened in Belgium. This stories where to tell to build up hate toward the Germans. It was based on true fact and most of it was real but got mixed on the way to your ears. But other stories are just made up. They were successful because people wanted some thing to hate the Germans for and this was a good thing for the British government. A British spy was killed by the Germans what was a very good piece of propaganda .But the newspaper told us that she was a middle aged nurse working at the western frontline serving our troop in the war in the Germans lines. It was in all of Germany power to kill her because she was spying and helping British solider in prisoner of war camps escape to the frontline .It was a great pieces of propaganda for the first world war . But after the war the Germans did emit that it was a very big mistake to kill her but she could have been put in a prison. Raising money for the war became increasingly difficult throughout the war. The government tried many different ways of raising money. At first they simply spent less money elsewhere in the county or raised taxes a bit. However as the war kept on growing they didn't have enough money to fund the war. The government found its self, borrowing money from other countries to fuel the war. They decided to issue an appeal for money in the way of propaganda to get the wealthier families and households to donate money to them. They asked people to take out war bonds that could be paid back at the end of the war. This was also coped by the US in WW2. The British army did have a secret weapon of the First World War it was the tank. The Tank was a propaganda persons dream their was many new stories about it in the paper and many different pictures of it in the paper at first it was not that impressive in the war. But after time the army used them goodly and did much damage with them but. The tank did build up much national pride and gave British people hope that we where going to win the war. The government did not only want to influence the views of Britain, but also those of friends and enemies abroad. America would be a great help if they would join the war for the allies. To help mobilise America for war the Foreign Office, who were in charge of propaganda to neutral audiences, printed hundreds o books and leaflets to send to American newspaper editors. When the Luistania was sunk by a German U-boat's torpedo in 1915, British propaganda made sure it was told about a lot. Without the propaganda the country would might not have won the war. It helped us many way . It was one of the crucial factors of us winning the war although be may of gave up on the war but the government used their ever growing wisdom in know what we want to see and hear about the war (was better wisdom in them days).

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Porter’s five forces Essay

It is very important for the drug companies and supermarkets to use the five forces to ensure that they strategically position themselves in a way that they become very competitive to make sure that they remain in business and also make and maximize profits. Managers have a very important role in ensuring that they do enough analysis so that they employ strategies to make them make the best out of the business that they do. Porter’s forces can be analyzed to act as yard sticks for the supermarkets and the drug companies to position themselves so as to do a profitable business as they face a very competitive and saturated environment that is very sensitive to changes. (McGahan, 2004) The supermarkets and the drug companies should utilize the Michael Porter’s five forces analyses as a framework to guide them operate in the competitive environment. The forces that affect the supermarkets and drug companies are those that are close to them and need to be properly analyzed since they affect their ability to effectively serve their customers and also make profits. When the supermarkets and drug companies face changes in the five forces, they need to re-examine the market place and make decisions that will ensure that they remain profitable and challenge their competitors. Their management should highly depend on research and marketing intelligence to gather the necessary information that will help them make sound decisions that will help their firms since they are faced with a lot of competition from their rival competitors. The closeness of substitutes Substitutes are alternative products that have the ability to satisfy similar needs and give solutions. Substitutes in the supermarkets and drug industries reduce the potential returns since they place a ceiling on the prices offered for products. Firms that realize that products being offered bring a lot of profits look for substitutes products that can substitute so that they may also enjoy profits. Drug companies face a big challenge since scientists and researchers are coming up with products generic drugs that compete very much with the existing original products. Due to research, drug industries are discovering new products every day that are either more effective or cure the same diseases. This has become a very big challenge since the market has become open and new discoveries are welcome every time. Customers will always be tempted to try the new products to see whether they are more effective and are made to believe that the newest drugs on the market are the best since they are more new and tested. Malaria drugs for instance are changing every time and patients believe that the new discoveries can handle Malaria more strongly than those that were there before. Marketers in drug industry must constantly try to sell there drugs by marketing them all the time and assuring their markets that the drugs they have are the best. Almost all drugs have tested substitutes and it gives the sellers and the users a variety of choices to choose from and making it very hard for some drugs to be pushed. The drug industry is so concentrated and even the herbal industry is attracting a lot of audience sine they claim to have varieties and more effective drugs. (Porter, 1985) Supermarkets are facing very stiff challenges since many supermarkets are opening up everyday with better supplies from substitute goods that make them appear to be cheaper than the others. Customers will go to those supermarkets with variety of substitutes so that they may get more cheap goods that can meet their needs. In a supermarket, companies will take and buy spaces in the supermarkets and also arrange and make them more appealing than the products from their competitors. When we look at basic products like bread and flour, you will find that there are many substitutes that will be in the same supermarket and that can play the same role and act as substitutes of the other. Supermarkets face a stiff challenge from the others and therefore need to do extensive advertising, introduce new cheap products every time and increase service to the customers since there is a stiff competition from other supermarkets. Supermarkets will always try to take customers from each other by winning them with the substitutes that they offer and services that they also offer at a cheaper price. (Lovelock, 2006) The Intensity of Rivalry among Established Companies Supermarkets and drug companies face a very competitive environment that has a big concentration of rival competitors making it a very competitive venture in business. They compete with heir rivals across al levels and try all strategies to ensure that they beat their rivals and try to do extensive marketing and innovation to attract more customers every day. There are many established companies that are more organized and have better strategies than the new ones that come up and therefore have a competitive edge over the others. An established company will mean having a well developed network that has a good client base and that is supported by customer loyalty and therefore locking out the new firms that try to make an impact by trying the existing markets. The well established pharmaceutical firms give a big challenge to the new companies in the market that try to make their products known. Even though substitute products are received in drug industries, it becomes easy for the established firms to push customers to start using their new products in the market since they have a name in the market and customers are loyal to them. (Porter, 1985) Customers will always be pulled to go to the already established supermarkets that they are used to them and will always feel that their services are the best. They also believe that products and services that are offered in the established supermarkets are the best and all they offer are the best to take car of their needs. The new supermarkets are highly challenged and must therefore position themselves strategically by ensuring that they price their products well and also do extensive advertising to market their products and services and have new customers and prospects that will be customers in future. The rate of growth of the drug companies and supermarkets has become a big challenge as new ones come into the market every time with very attractive terms for customers and therefore pulling them and pulling away their loyal customers. Competitors in the drug companies and supermarkets have diversities and therefore make them very unique and unequalled and thus being very hard to compete with them in a very competitive environment due to high concentration of players who are doing the same businesses. There is need for e advertising to market both individual products and the supermarkets and drug companies due to the stiff competition from rival players in the same field that is concentrated highly. The bargaining power of suppliers Suppliers take advantage of their unique supplies to ask and bargain for what they want and enjoy the monopoly and charge expensively for the products or services that they offer. Customers are very sensitive to any changes that may affect them that are caused by the bargaining power of the suppliers. Suppliers are a competitive threat in drug industries because they can raise the prices of new and the old supplies and therefore making the customers to try substitute products that can satisfy the same need. Suppliers may cost the drug companies a lot of financial constrain if they switch and fail to supply their products as it is involving to get new and reliable suppliers that can give quality and be efficient all the time. (Grant, 2005) Doctors will recommend their clients to use substitutes according to their financial abilities and are in a position to refer them to use any of the substitutes. Supermarkets must try as much as possible to bargain well with their suppliers so that they may get quality products at the right price so that they may also sell and price their products well in relation to those of the competitors so that they may not loose customers to the other supermarkets. Suppliers will have more power if they are few or alone in the market and will give their products at a very high price and will affect the sales of the supermarket in the long run. It is very important for the drug companies and the supermarkets to have suppliers that can supply substitute products that are more or les the same so that their customers will not run to the other outlets that have the products that they need. In the event that the suppliers reduce their products quality and raise the price of their products, it will be a great competitive challenge to the drug industries and the supermarkets that offer the same services. The determinants of the suppliers power in both the supermarkets and the drug companies includes: suppliers concentration in one particular place that is central in location, volume of suppliers that they offer to the supermarkets and the drug companies and finally the costs related to the total purchases that they do. The suppliers ensure that they take advantage of their strengths to bargain and register as much profits as possible and make the buyers of their suppliers to accept what they offer and fix high prices. (Cullen and Boteeah, 2005) The Risk of Entry by Potential Competitors The new competitors enter into business with an intention to bring new capacities that never existed before so that they may give competition to the existing firms. Every new entrant into the drug and supermarket business is a big threat to the existing firms since they may pose a big danger when they come and take the existing customers by intimidating them with good attractive services and also set their businesses in strategic points that will attract more customers. Supermarkets and drug companies are very profitable and has therefore it has been attracting very many new entrants who perceive it as a good profitable business that has a lot of assurance since the customers will always need food and other materials offered I the supermarkets and drugs to help prevent and cure diseases. Their main interest is to capture big market share that exists so that they make more sales and therefore make profits. Supermarkets face a lot of competition from new entrants who come up with new and customer satisfying service that are very attractive and take their customers. They are few barriers to the new entrants in this field and many businessmen are thinking of opening up one stop supermarkets that are in strategic positions to attract customers. (Mark, 2001) There are many barriers that might be in the drug industries that may affect the drug firms. They include the following: government policies on drug companies, economies of scale, capital requirements that are needed to start a drug company, brand identities and reactions from firms in the drug industry. New entrants in the drug industry are seen by those that are already in existence as a threat since they take and reduce their market share and make them reduce their sales and therefore register fewer profits from the sales. Though governments might create barriers to help streamline the industry, it will not fully succeed since many new entrants might meet the requirements put on them and give challenge to the already flocked market. The higher the entry barriers, the less it is likely for outsiders to enter the industry. (Sparrow and Hilltop, 1994) The Bargaining Power of Buyers This is the marketplace of outputs. Customers in the supermarkets and drug industry put the two businesses a lot of pressure since they are very sensitive to any change in prices and are always ready to window shop and find where prices are relatively cheap. The availability of substitute products in both the supermarkets and drug companies has made it very challenging for all those who run these businesses and are therefore supposed to learn the behavior of their customers so as not to scare them to their competitors and therefore reducing their profitability. The players in the drugs and supermarket firms make it .Many supermarkets and drug companies give room for their customers to bargain and make the competitors to be on toes. It is very important for the drug companies and supermarkets to highly depend on market intelligence so as to be very strategic in their pricing since there are many supermarkets and drug industries that are ready to reduce their prices by negligible amount that can attract customers from their competitors. (Brewster, 1995) Buyers are ready to run into substitute products that are being marketed everyday in the supermarkets and drug companies due to the changing technologies that are leading to cheaper and quality production of substitute products. Advertisers are taking advantage of the sensitivity that the buyers have to market new products that hit the market daily. The drug industries and the supermarkets should have a variety of substitutes in their business premises to pull all the customers and reduce the customers from moving to their competitors who offer various products in different prices. Since buyers are the ones that ensure that there is continuity of business, the supermarkets and the drug companies should learn and be very sensitive to the changing tastes and preferences in order to win buyers and also ensure that they remain loyal to them since the concentration of many firms is a big threat. Supermarkets and drug firms must ensure that they use the Porter’s analysis since they face stiff and very competitive challenges from firms that have realized that they can make lucrative profits from the supermarket and drugs since they are assured of a lot of profits from a large customer base that is attracted by these firms. They need to assess the market very well and ensure that they learn there customers very well and also ensure that they position themselves to compete more effectively to remain in business and also maintain a good relationship with their customers so that the competitors may not take away their customers. It is only through these methods that they will be assured of remaining in business tomorrow. (Brandenburger and Nalebuff, 1995) Reference Brandenburger, M. and Nalebuff, J. (1995): The Right Game. Use Game Theory to Shape Strategy. Harvard Business Review pp.59-69 Brewster. C (1995): Towards a European Model of Human Resource Management-Journal of International Business. Vol 26, pp 112 Cullen, J. and Boteeah, K. (2005): Multinational Management. A strategic Approach, 3rd Edition, Mason; Thomson South-Western, pp 54 Grant, R. (2005): Contemporary Strategy Analysis: – Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford pp 24-45 Lovelock, J. (2006): Services Marketing, People, Technology, and Strategy. New York, Prentice Hall, pp 23-45 Mark, D. (2001): Human Resource Management and organizational performance; 3rd Edition of the Institute of Management, Washington, U.S, pp 76 Porter, M. (1979): How competitive forces shape strategy. Harvard Business Review pp 34 Porter, M. (1985): Competitive Advantage:-Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. The Free Press, New York, pp 12-56 McGahan, A. (2004): How Industries Evolve: – Principles for Achieving and Sustaining Superior Performance. Harvard Business School Press, pp 27-37 Sparrow, P. and Hilltop, J. (1994): European Human Resource Management in Transition: New York, Prentice Hall, pp 45-76 Â  

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Statistics and Golf Ball

Case Study 1: Par, Inc. Par, Inc. , is a major manufacturer of golf equipments. Management believes that Par’s market share could be increased with the introduction of a cut-resistant, longer-lasting golf ball. Therefore, the research group at Par has been investigating a new golf ball coating designed to resist cuts and provide a more durable golf. The tests with the coating have been promising. One of the researchers voiced concern about the effect of the new coating on driving distances. Par would like the new cut-resistant ball to offer driving distances comparable to those of the current-model golf ball.To compare the driving distances for the two balls, 40 balls of both the new and current models were subjected to distance tests. The testing was performed with a mechanical hitting machine so that any difference between the mean distanced for the two models could be attributed to a difference in the two models. The results of the tests, with distances measured to the near est yard, follow. These data are available on the excel file â€Å"Golf†. Managerial Report 1. Formulate and present the rationale for the hypothesis test that par could use to compare the driving distances of the current and new golf balls. . Analyze the data to provide the hypothesis testing conclusion. What is the p-value for the test? What is your recommendation for Par, Inc.? 3. Provide descriptive statistical summaries of the data for each model. 4. What is the 95% confidence interval for the population mean of each model, and what is the 95% CI for the difference between the means of the two populations? 5. Do you see a need for the larger sample sizes and more testing with the golf balls? Discuss. Case Study 2: Higher Education in Asia-Pacific The pursuit of a higher education degree in business is now international.A survey shows that more and more Asians choose the MBA degree route to corporate success. The number of applicants for MBA courses at Asia-Pacific school s continues to increase about 30% a year. In 1997, the 74 business school in Asia-Pacific region reported a record 170,000 applicants for the 11,000 full time MBA degrees to be awarded in 1999. A main reason for the surge in demand is that an MBA can greatly enhance earning power. Across the region, thousands of Asians show an increasing willingness to temporarily shelve their careers and spend two years in pursuit of a theoretical business qualification.Courses in these schools are notoriously tough and include economics, banking, marketing, behavior sciences, labour relations, decision making, strategic thinking, business law, and more. The data named â€Å"Asian† shows some of characteristics of the leading Asia-Pacific business schools. Managerial Report Use the methods of descriptive statistics to summarise the data. Discuss your finding. 1. Include the summary for each variable in the data set. Make comments and interpretations based on maximums and minimums, as well as the appropriate means and proportions.What new insight do these descriptive statistics provide concerning Asian-Pacific business schools. 2. Summarise the data to compare the following: a. Any difference between local and foreign tuition costs. b. Any difference between mean starting salaries for schools requiring and not requiring work experience. c. Any difference between mean starting salaries for schools requiring and not requiring English tests. 3. Do starting salaries appear to be related to tuition? 4. Present any additional graphical and numerical summaries that will be beneficial in communicating the dataset and others.

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Research Paper - Essay Example The laws that govern the sentences made towards the felons who commit drug related offenses include Three Strikes law and the Rockefeller Drug Laws. The Rockefeller laws were passed during a time that the government had declared war against drugs. Under this law, possession or sale of heroin, cannabis, and cocaine would call for a minimum of 15 years imprisonment (Barton-Bellessa et al. 50-51). Following the adoption of the Rockefeller laws, the prison population has been on the rise leading to constraints on available resources. The other law that has been criticized for being unnecessarily strict is the Three Strikes Law, which is directed towards individuals with previous counts of felony. Under this law, an individual convicted of a new felony having gone through a previous conviction of a serious crime is to be sentenced twice the term for the new crime (Judicial Council of California). Moreover, if a person was convicted of a crime having been through two prior sentences, this law requires that such an individual be imprisoned for at least 25 years or life imprisonment. Both laws have been criticized in the past and continue to receive criticism since they are unfairly harsh. Bearing in mind that prison space is finite, enacting such laws calls for additional resources, which come from the Amcferican taxpayers making their standards of living even harder. Therefore, I believe that this space should be filled with the most appropriate individuals and find alternative corrections for other criminals such as those who are drug related. For instance, drug related felons should be handled in community settings especially those that were involved in crimes while under the influence of drugs. Due to these laws, street addicts are being held in the prisons with insufficient resources for dealing with the mental health problems they might be going through as a result of the addiction (Gray). To me, from a logical perspective of view, it would not be of importance to imprison a mentally disturbed individual while there is a better option. If the American government takes this into serious consideration, it would reduce the prison population since individuals would be tested to determine whether they were in the right state of mind while committing a crime. Moreover, this would make more sense both from the perspectives of economic and logical aspects to provide an initial diversion from prison systems to community based health providers for the street addict. From my point of view, prison space should only be reserved for violent predators who committed the crimes in the right state of mind and repeat offenders without application of the three strikes law. This space should not be reserved for an individual who was arrested with cannabis worth a few dollars. However, if the individual must be jailed, 15 years is unreasonably long for such a crime. In fact, these laws have not improved the issue of drug sale and abuse in the U.S. This is becau se drugs still flock the American streets and new drugs such as methamphetamine have been introduced. With respect to non-violent street addicts, treatment and rehabilitation should be the first option in the line of defense for such individuals (McLemore 10-11). The unfair punitive effect brought by the Rockefeller Law in addition to the rigidity of the Three

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Methodology Performance Feedback Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Methodology Performance Feedback - Essay Example The case under consideration is that of Morgan Stanley, which is one of the largest investment banks in US. The firm was facing issues of conflicting goals amongst its various divisions such as corporate finance, merchant banking and mergers and acquisition etc. This problem of disunity occurred as the organization grew larger and larger and the divisions started to focus on the divisional performance and profitability rather than maximizing the targets for the firm itself. Thus, the new CEO John Mack faced the challenge of making Morgan Stanley a "one-firm firm". Therefore, one of the foremost efforts made by John Mack was to unite the people under one umbrella; therefore he improved upon the performance feedback system at Morgan Stanley which until then employees considered as unimportant or of no use. Morgan Stanley was then revolutionizing to ensure its commitment to merit based performance and reward system; there fore whole of the performance measurement system was revamped and restructured. With the previous annual review system the employees were unsatisfied as it was not considered as developmental for the employees rather just a formality.

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Palliative Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

The Palliative Care - Essay Example Palliative care may be achieved by offering psychological, physical, and spiritual relief for the patient. In the United Kingdom, palliative care services are not only applied to the end of life patients but are also increasingly widely used in the management of incurable diseases alongside other medical procedures such as diagnosis and treatment. This is particularly attributed to the growing empirical evidence suggesting that the cost –efficacy of palliative care significantly outweighs attempts at disease cure, with regard to quality of life for both the patient and the family. The provision of palliative care is often affected by a number of external influences such as pathways, government policies and agendas and hospice availability as well as internal influences some of which may include psychological and physical aspects of the patients or their families. Other internal factors may also include the knowledge of the caregivers regarding the principles and practices of palliative care, attitudes of the caregiver on life and death and support from relatives and family members. This paper is based on a case study of Mrs. Janet, an end of life cancer patient who was admitted in a hospital in the United Kingdom 28 years after her initial diagnosis of cervical cancer (see Appendix A). The case study analysis attempts to highlight some of the potential external influences that may have directly influenced her end-of-life care, as well as the strategies applied by concerned practitioners in facilitating the delivery of palliative care services of the required quality. In addition, the present case analysis also seeks to critically evaluate the variable factors, including the social, physical, and psychological factors, together with their respective impacts on the experience of the client in relation to the provided palliative care. There exist a diverse number of factors that influence the end-of-life palliative care provided to patients with life-limiting health conditions. In the case study, Mrs. Janet’s end of life care is likely to be directly influenced by external factors such as such as cultural factors, care pathways, government policies and agendas and hospice availability.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Childrens Understanding of SVO Word Order Essay

The Childrens Understanding of SVO Word Order - Essay Example The first group is composed of French children who are 2 years of age and heard either high or low-frequency verb modeled in either SOV (subject-object-verb) or VSO (verb-subject-object) order. While the second group is likewise composed of French children who are 1 year older than the first group (3 years old) heard also either high or low-frequency verbs modeled in either SOV or VSO order. The said word orders were both ungrammatical. The experiment raises two fundamental questions such as 1) how do children perceive similarities between different lexical instantiations of related constructions and organize these into a network?; and 2) does a relative lack of similarity between related constructions affect the creation of a construction network? These said questions are addressed by the authors through replicating recent English weird word order production studies in French. To be specific, the authors intended to address five major questions: Primarily, the type of research being reviewed here is a causal research which appears to be the most appropriate to be done since the authors intend to find out the children’s understanding of SVO word order in French through hearing high or low-frequency verbs. Specifically, the authors used the randomized controlled trial. Again, the authors chose the most appropriate method since they intend to inject an intervention and measure the effect of that intervention. Moreover, the research method employed has always been the best one since this is the most well-recognized method that could lead the researchers to an objective answer to the current research questions (Foster 2001, p.21). More specifically, the authors used weird word order methodology (Akhtar 1999) through using verbs of different frequencies, to determine whether children's use of word order as a grammatical marker depends upon the frequency of the lexical items being ordered.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

ChECKIO CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ChECKIO - Case Study Example Over the previous 15 years, the field had experienced extraordinary volatility.†(Gill, 2011) In the case of CheckiO the company wants to expand and grow as a business how can this happen with limited talent in the market. Without new talent and qualified individuals to take the company to the next step success will not be obtain or reached.   CheckiO revenue is not being generated from subscriptions, product sales, or advertising, they are planning to generate revenue by matching users with firms seeking talented programmers. This is a perfect business model idea that could possible be very profitable for CheckiO. This type of business model has created some problems for the company. â€Å"There were a number of problems associated with the typical employment agency or website. First, of course, they were highly dependent upon the information listed on the candidate’s resume. Assuming that the credentials and skills listed were not an absolute lie—an all-too common situation—there remained a grey area, particularly when it came to programming proficiency. An individual with a single semester course in a particular language might judge him or herself proficient, while actually possessing only sufficient skills to inflict considerable damage on large and complex projects.†(Gill, 2011) The pr oblems faced by CheckiO have been experienced by many different line of business. As a company CheckiO must be responsible for confirming the credentials of all possible candidates prior to matching these candidates with a firm. Another source of revenue for CheckiO lies with their relationship with Academia. â€Å"Academic institutions could also become a source of potential revenue, although how this could be implemented would require some thought. As implied by the previously mentioned comment from the professor, the site could be used effectively in conjunction with a programming course. In fact, for some highly one at motivated students, it could well become a

Friday, August 9, 2019

SWOT ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SWOT ANALYSIS - Essay Example It I this form of integration that makes it competitive. Throughout its history, the company has enjoyed strong economic growth and constantly increasing cash flow (Baines, Fill, and Page, 230). This has enabled it to expand and command a wider share of the market. At one point in the market, research was ineffective with the company failing to anticipate the need for new products such as phablets. What resulted was late entrance into the market thus affecting sales and revenue. The lack of a wider price differentiation strategy makes the company appear to be a premium category company. This means that many people in the middle and low socioeconomic status disregard its products. Further, the company has overtime depended on revenue from only two products, iPad and iPhone. Most of Apple’s products have remained popular and relevant to many people. This means that the company can continue investing on the same products with the assurance of revenue. The growing technology industry increases the demand for electronic products constantly. The company is thus assured of progress. Lack of price differentiation strategy is detrimental to the company’s quest to get into a wider market. The company is outperformed by competitors such as Samsung on this and the demand for its products may shift when lower priced products are in the market. There is increased a need for innovativeness in the industry (Kurtz, 23). As long as the company enjoys revenue from only two of its products, innovation may be delayed and with time, the products will lose

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Operation Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Operation Management - Essay Example The Assemble to Order products are really not prevalent in this category. These products include dustbin, laundry powder, floor sweeper, vacuum cleaner, steam cleaner, trash cans etc. These products are available on the shelves as Make to Stock products only except for special cases. Drapery, curtains and linen are the furnishings. An Assemble to order approach would be the best for these items where clothes are bought from the market while a tailor is employed for stitching as per the dimensions of the house. Hardwares comprise of handles, channels, rods, locks and holdbacks. These products are available as Make to Stock products and it doesn’t make sense to go for other manufacturing strategies unless special requirements have to be met. Brooms, ladders, cupboards and mops are a part of this group. This is a group of items where all 3 manufacturing strategies can be used. Ladders and cupboards can be designed through all 3 strategies while brooms and mops are best to buy as Make to Stock products. Sources of lighting and fans are available in the market. However, they have to be customized according to specific needs. So Make to Stock and Assemble to Order strategies could work here. For example, Air coolers are designed using Assemble to Order strategy many times. Modular kitchens are the norm of the day. These are designed using Make to order manufacturing. However, several accessories such as faucets, taps, crockery stand and others are available as Make to Stock products. The idols can be in form of metal, stone, wood or photo frames. While most people go for readymade idols some may actually decide to build an idol on wall in stone i.e. they may go for make to order

Sustainable Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sustainable Development - Essay Example Theoretically speaking, all developmental activities can be carried out in an entirely sustainable manner, and that is in no way a thing that is impossible to achieve. But the real-life scenario is something totally different. For the purpose of successfully implementing various measures that are aimed at bringing about sustainable development many political issues and other challenges have to be confronted. As a matter of fact, all such matters are chiefly responsible for the current state of affairs, where a lot is still undone in the realm (of sustainable development) (1)Sustainable DevelopmentEven though the concept of sustainable development is indeed a noble one, yet, much progress has not been displayed, till date. Perhaps, the chief factor for this is that, many people do not have a clear understanding of the term. Overall, the concept is rather ambiguous, conveying different meanings. (1)As mentioned earlier, several summits and conferences aimed at promoting sustainable dev elopment have been taking place, on the International landscape. For instance, the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) came into existence in the year 1992. Apart from the European Union, a total of 192 countries were a part of that convention. A decade later, in the year 2002, all of those regions gave a solemn commitment that the rate at which the Globe is losing its biodiversity would be reduced, over the subsequent eight years. But that did not happen, as is evident by the corresponding scenario., even as the year 2010 came to an end. (1) The concept of sustainable development has both a strong point and also a shortcoming. Numerous political and economic entities of the World have been brought on a common platform, by sustainable development. That denotes the concept’s strong point. But at the same time, none of those parties have been successful in initiating any practical policies that substantially contribute towards the cause of sustainable development. (3) Sustainable Development and Economy Many people are having the misconception that, by adhering to the norms of sustainable development, a growth economy cannot be realized, and that it leads to a steady-state economy. That is nothing but just a myth, and the following would clearly explain this. It needs to be noted that sustainable development endeavors to meet the needs of the present, by fully keeping in view the well-being of the future. Here, the vital point worth mentioning is that, all those needs can be successfully met only by achieving required economic growth. Similarly, all the standards of this concept can be successfully implemented only when there is economic prosperity. To put the matter in a nutshell, economic growth and sustainability are strongly connected with each other. And meticulous adherence to the guidelines of the latter would

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Unlike golf where a special course Essay Example for Free

Unlike golf where a special course Essay There are many social benefits associated with the game disc golf which are both personal and communal, despite the fact that it can be played alone. It is of great social benefit because it can be played by anyone; adults and children and by both genders; male and female, playing together in one game. Unlike golf where a special course must be prepared, disc golf is more advantageous as it is easy to play and can be organized and played anywhere because the designs of the courses are simple These courses are all over rural America as they can be found in beaches, in open fields or even in forests, increasing the chances of accessibility to the rural population who stand no chance for the more elitist end metropolitan golf or tennis which must be played on a specially prepared course (Disc Golf). Disc golf provides opportunities for quality recreation, which also attracts visitors and it protects the existing valuable natural resources. It has the benefit of preserving and promoting the unique character of the local community using the available resources that are limited economically; hence it is cheap to organize. The fact that its eighteen-hole course takes hours to complete is an excellent opportunity for recreation in terms of valuable popular pastime. The nature of disk golf courses does not distort or change the local landscape and the existing ecosystem. The serene rural atmosphere gives to the locals who engage in this kind of sport better quality in terms of life compared to their metropolitan counterparts. Players of disc golf are provided with benefits that are tangible, intangible as well as unique. The psychological outcome of the game serves in motivating people to participate and this leads to change in conditions such as improved health besides other benefits based on the general community (Maryland Disc Golf). One area of advantage in disc golf is the low cost of constructing a course. One hole takes the community between 500-1000 dollars. This is far much cheaper compared with the cost of constructing the course for regular golf or a tennis court. The locals are thus able to get recreational and health benefits at a low price. Besides, there are no incurred maintenance costs as in tennis or regular golf. Disc golf has led to an improved environment in several cases. Some areas which used as dumpsites have now been converted into disc golf courses, for example the De Laveaga Disc Golf course found in Santa Cruz, California, which was previously being illegally used as a dumping site for trash. All trash was removed and a disc golf course was created. The rehabilitation of some of these areas which were being misused is an excellent case of environmental conservation occasioned by the emergence of disc golf. These areas have become self-sustaining as a result of the funds brought by disc golfers who play here (Rules). This form of sport also has the benefit of revitalizing parks that are underutilized and whose facilities are deteriorating. Some parks which were being used by criminal gangs for outlawed activities are increasingly being turned into disc golf courses. Local communities have taken the initiative of developing new disc golf courses in these areas which were otherwise being used for activities that were destructive to both the environment and the morals of the general society. One such example is in Richmond, Va, whose local park had been taken over by drug dealers where they would transact their deals. This made the area a high risk-zone for locals who could not undertake anything recreational there. A considerable decrease in crime-rate has been reported since the establishment of the course. No more drug deals and vandalism has been reduced substantially, all courtesy of the disc golf course. Bad omen in and around the park has been replaced by good character. Disc golf is not confined to the above named benefits alone. It comes with social benefits too. Families can go on a trip, an outing or a picnic to the local park and participate in group golf activities by playing together, although one can still play disc golf alone. Mini-tournaments and contests are held weekly by area disc clubs. These leagues which promote socialization by bringing together members, new as well as old, who then are presented with an opportunity of sharing experiences (Vegas Golf Specials). The sport provides people who live in the rural areas an alternative way of spending their spare time usefully instead of engaging in some non-beneficial things like drug taking and robbery. Morals are preserved as more parks are built in areas which were otherwise being used by street gangs and drug dealers who, by association, spread their vice to the local communities (Rules). Disk golf is non-exhaustive compared to other games therefore anyone of any gender or age is able to play it. This is also attributed to the fact that the impact of the game is relatively low, therefore weaker people such as women and children are able to actively participate in it and get its full benefits. The sport is an activity of a lifetime necessitated by the fact that a player does it at the pace that they are able to. It is not strenuous. This adds to the game psychological as well as physical benefits to those who engage in it as it only takes one to walk a course and then throw the disc. Carts are foreign to this game (Siniscalchi Pierscalla, 2005).